The Eastern Glyders

The Western Glyders around Cwm Idwal are justifiably famous for their impressive cliffs and steep rocky scrambles, but the ridge from Glyder Fawr continues east over the subsidiary peaks of  Y Foel Goch and Gallt Yr Ogof until finally petering out at Capel Curig.  Whilst lacking the dramatic situations of the larger peaks to the west, a traverse of these summits provides a quiet days walking, with fine views of the larger mountains on a clear day.  The one drawback is that on descending from the ridge after Y Foel Goch, the walker is faced with a 3.5 mile walk along the Ogwen Valley to return to Capel Curig.

There is a small car park behind the shops in Capel Curig.  From here, follow the track that leads north towards the hills. Immediately after a farm-house, turn left off the track and follow a path up the hillside.  This is sketchy in places, but if followed eventually leads onto the grassy ridge of Cefn Y Capel.  After just over 1 mile along this ridge, a broken wall is passed and there is a short steep climb to the col between Y Foel Goch and Gallt Yr Ogof where the views open up.  Although the latter rises only a little above the col, it is worth a visit as there are numerous rocky outcrops which add depth to pictures of the Carnedau and Glyders.  From Gallt Yr Ogof, continue to the summit of Y Foel Goch.

From here, the choice is either to return to Capel Curig by the outward route, or descend to Llyn Caseg-raith on the col with Glyder Fach.  The lake makes a fine foreground for views of Glyder Fach and Tryfan.  From the lake, we descended the valley of Nant Yr Ogof, occasionally on a path, but mostly over pathless and slightly boggy ground, until we reached the Outdoor Centre at Gwern Gof Isaf.  From here, it is a 3.5 mile walk back to Capel Curig, following the track which leads directly back to the car park.  The total walk is just under 8 miles and about 2050 feet of ascent.

Eastern Glyder Map

Eastern Glyder Map

Location and Parking

Postcode: LL24 0EN

The walk starts in the village of Capel Curig, where there is a small car park at the back of the shops.

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