St Cwyfan’s Church

St Cwyfan’s Church is a small medieval church, originally dating from the 12th Century. When the church was built it was situated on a promontory between two bays on the south-west coat of Anglesey, but over the years the connecting spit of land was eroded away leaving the church perched on a small tidal island. The church fell out of use in the 19th Century and began to decay, however in 1893 money was raised to build a sea wall around the church, restore the building and construct a causeway. At low tide the church is easily reached on foot, but at high tide it is completely cut off by the sea, leading to its popular name of The Church In The Sea.

Location and Parking

Post Code: LL63 5YR

St Cwyfan’s Church is located in the South-West coast of Anglesey, close to the village of Aberffraw which is reached along the A4080. At Aberffraw, turn onto Llewelyn Street – if travelling from the east this is the second turning after crossing the Afon Fraw, from the west it is the first turning after entering the village. Continue to follow Llewelyn Street as it winds through the village, turning into Church Street in the village centre. As the road leaves the village, there are sign posts to St Cwyfan’s Church. Continue to the end of Church Street where the church comes into view, and there is parking along one side of the road. The church is reached by a 10 minute walk along the beach.

The Church-In-The-Sea

The church is in sight on the walk along the beach from the car park, but the best photo opportunities are with some water in the foreground, which will obviously depend on the state of the tide.

St Cwyfan’s Church

There is a causeway to the church, however even this is covered at high tide.

Low Tide at St Cwyfan’s Church

The sea around the church is covered with dark seaweed which can make compositions difficult. A few well placed boulders adds some foreground interest.

St Cwyfan’s Church is a good location for sunsets, particularly in the winter months when the sun sets behind the church. Later in the year, and the sun moves further to the west, but it is still possible to catch the glow from the setting sun.

St Cwyfan Sunset

As the church is whitewashed, it also makes a good subject in mono, with the white f the church standing out against a dark sky. A few white clouds adds to the image.

St Cwyfan Mono

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