Penmon Point

Penmon point is notable for the view of Penmon Lighthouse and Puffin Island.  The lighthouse, known as Trwyn Du Lighthouse in Welsh, marks the passage between Anglesey and Puffin Island. It was built in 1838 to a design by John Walker, stands 95ft tall and was the first Trinity House lighthouse to be automated in 1922.

Puffin Island is about half a mile offshore from Penmon Point. It was previously a site of hermitage established by St Seiriol as far back as the 6th century, and was later the site if a 12th century church. Today the island is uninhabited and given over to wildlife, with a nationally important colony of cormorants, as well as a number of guillemot, shag, razorbill and kittiwake. The island was named for a large colony of puffins, however these were almost wiped out when rats were accidentally introduced to the island in the late 19th century. In the last few years, the rats population has been eradicated, and puffins are now making a return to the island.

Location and Parking

Post Code: LL58 8RP

Penmon Point is on private land and there is a charge of £3.50 to use the toll road to the lighthouse, but this is not much different to paying a car parking fee. The point is about 5 miles north-east of Beaumaris and marks the entrance to the Menai Straits. From Beaumaris, take the B5109 north-east along the coast. After 1.7 miles, turn right at a cross-roads, signposted to Penmon. Continue on this road for 2.5 miles to reach the toll point, which is at Penmon Priory. Penmon Point is a further 0.7 miles down the toll road.

Trwyn Du Lighthouse

A small path leads through an area of black seaweed, which provides a lead-in towards the lighthouse. At high tide, there are some stone blocks which continue the path in the direction of the lighthouse.

Trwyn Du Lighthouse

With its black and white banding, the lighthouse makes an obvious subject for mono images.

Trwyn Du Mono

Puffin Island

A slightly wider view brings Puffin Island into the composition. The island rises as a steep sided dome directly out of the sea.

Trwyn Du Lighthouse And Puffin Island

To the right of Puffin Island, there is also a red buoy which can be brought into the composition especially when a passing sail boat adds to the interest.

Puffin Island

Rock Pools

To the left of the beach, there are a number of rock pools which can be used as foreground interest, with either the lighthouse or island in the background.

Penmon Rock Pools

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