Kingshouse Hotel

The Kingshouse Hotel is situated on Rannoch Moor, adjacent to the the main A82 road, just above the point where the road turns into Glencoe and descends over 800ft to sea level. The original hotel is one of the oldest in Scotland, being built in the early 18th Century, and although the hotel was subject to a controversial expansion in 2019, parts of the original building were retained. Today it serves as a stop-off point for hikers on the West Highland Way, but it is also a superb base for photographers with stunning views of the Buachaille Etive Mor and Creise in the Black Mount available directly from the hotel.

Two of the most famous viewpoints in Scotland are also just 5 minutes drive away – Blackrock Cottage and the Etive Mor Waterfall.

Location and Parking

Postcode: PH49 4HY

The A82 is the only road linking Crianlarach with Glencoe. After leaving Tyndrum the road climbs up onto Rannoch Moor, which is then crossed until the Buachaille Etive Mor comes into sight, forming the corner stone of Glencoe. Just past the turning for the Black Corries ski area, the Kingshouse Hotel is reached on the right side of the road.

Kingshouse Hotel

Most of the hotel is  modern building opened in 2019 with a large bar area, restaurant and about 60 rooms.

Kingshouse Hotel

There are two small pools in front of the hotel, and each one can be used as foreground interest for views of Creise in the Black Mount and Buachaille Etive Mor. The pools are often filled with ducks, which can make long exposure photography difficult!

Creise From Kingshouse Hotel

Buachaille Etive Mor From Kingshouse Hotel

Another notable attraction is the number of deer that often visit the hotel. These are quite used to people, so it is possible to get some close-up shots, or wider shots backed by the mountains.

Deer At Kingshouse Hotel

Deer At Kingshouse Hotel

The River Etive

The River Etive runs along the back of the hotel, and turning right out of the hotel building soon brings the river into sight. A short way along the river gives a view towards bridge that carries the A82 over the river, backed by the Buachaille Etive Mor.

Buachaille Etive Mor From the River Etive

The Cauldron Falls

A more interesting stretch of river can be reached by turning left out of the hotel, crossing the car park and taking the West Highland Way track which heads south. After about a third of a mile where the track reaches the top of a raise, turn right to cross the moorland to reach a small river – one of the tributaries of the River Etive. There are numerous falls and rapids, but the largest single drop is known as The Cauldron, and it is possible to frame the falls either with Creise or the Buachaille Etive Mor in the background.

The Cauldron Falls, Kingshouse

Etive Mor Waterfall

The Etive Mor waterfall provides one of the iconic views of Buachaille Etive Mor. Unfortunately it is so popular that in wet weather the area turns into a quagmire of churned up mud. This location requires time to recover, so for that reason, I have not included a dedicated location post. Enjoy the following pictures, but please think twice before visiting this spot.

Etive Mor Waterfall

Etive Mor Waterfall

When the river level is low, there are pool areas upstream of the waterfall offering reflections of the Buachaille.

Buachaille Etive Mor Reflections

It is also possible to photograph the River Etive backed by the Buachaille from the road bridge over the river. There are no problems with mud or erosion at this location.

The River Etive And Buachaille Etive Mor

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