Stoer Peninsula

The Stoer peninsula is located to the north of Lochinver, jutting into the sea between Enard Bay and Eddrachillis Bay. The two main attractions for photographers are the Stoer Lighthouse and The Old Man of Stoer – a 60m (200ft) sea stack.  There is a small car park at the lighthouse, and the Old Man can be reached by a 4 mile round-way hike, following the sea cliffs north of the lighthouse.

Our pictures were taken in September, on a day of squally showers, blown in from the sea on almost gale force winds.  On such days, the peninsula feels particularly exposed, and the walk to the Old Man was something of an endurance challenge.

Location and Parking

Postcode:   IV27 4JH

From Lochinver, take the A837 north before turning left onto the B869 after 0.5 miles. After 6.5 miles at Totag, turn left along a minor road, then left and left again, heading west towards the small car park at the lighthouse.  To reach the Old Man, follow the cliff top path north for 2 miles.

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