
Thornham is a small village on the north coast of Norfolk, about 3 miles east of Hunstanton.  The main attraction for photographers is Thornham harbour – not a harbour in the usual sense, but a tidal creek with several wooden jetties, small boats and a building that looks like a boathouse, but is an old coal shed built in the traditional Norfolk style. As the harbour faces north, it is good for photography at both sunrise and sunset.  During very high tides, the whole harbour area and access road can flood, which means it can get quite muddy, so wellingtons are a good idea.

Location and Parking

Postcode: PE36 6LT

Thornham lies on the A149  on the Norh Norfolk coast, about 3 miles east of Hunstanton.  Access to the harbour is from the west end of the village along Staithe Lane, signposted to The Lifeboat Inn.  When the main road bends to the right, continue straight ahead through a wooded area and out onto the salt marshes.  Just before leaving the wooded area, there is a small pull off with access to the path along the sea defences.  It is safest to park here close to high tide.  If the tide is out, there is a further slightly elevated parking area at the end of the road past the coal shed.  This is normally above the high tide level, but can become cut off, so is best avoided close to high tide.

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