Wain Wath Force

Wain Wath Force is located in Upper Swaledale close to the village of Keld.  This area of Swaledale has a number of waterfalls, but Wain Wath is one of the easiest to visit, being clearly in view from the B6270, the main road through Swaledale.  The falls  are not very large, being only about 1.5m in height, but as the River Swale has a reasonable width at this point they make an attractive subject.

Location and Parking

Post Code: DL11 6DZ

Wain Wath Force is about 0.5 miles west of Keld.  Just past the last farm in the village, there is space to park on the right side of the road, or it may be possible to park on the right of the road immediately adjacent to the falls.  A gate gives access through the fence to the falls, which can be photographed from a flat area right next to the gate.

Wain Wath Force

By moving a little downstream along the retaining wall, a wider view of the falls can be taken, including the sweep of the river.

Wider View Of Wain Wath Force

When the river level is low, it is usually possible to get onto the gravel and rocks in the middle of the river, allowing some of the rocks to be included in the foreground.

Wain Wath Force

Wain Wath Force From Mid River

East Gill Force

There are a number of other waterfalls close to Keld, however we currently only have images of East Gill Force.  This is reached by parking in Keld, and taking the track east that leads to the Penine Way.  At the end of the track where the path splits, descend to the River Swale where there is a footbridge.  The lower East Gill Falls are an attractive cascade where the East Gill beck flows into the River Swale.  The upper East Gill Force is reached by a short walk following the Penine Way uphill.

Lower East Gill Force

East Gill Force

Upper East Gill Force

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