Hardraw Force

Hardraw Force in Wensleydale is claimed to be the highest single drop waterfall in England, with a drop of about 100ft.  This is probably true if considering only waterfalls above the ground, but there are some taller underground falls.  The waterfall is located just outside the village of Hardraw where the Hardraw Beck flows over the 100ft high Hardraw Scar, which is made up of alternative layers of shale, sandstone and limestone.  This rock banding is very evident behind the waterfall.  Most of the time, the falls are a narrow ribbon of water, but in times of spate, they can swell to a significant flood of water.  In past years, access to the falls was through the Green Dragon Inn, but today there is a car park behind the Inn, and access to the falls is through the cafe – there is an access charge of £3 that goes towards the upkeep of the area.  Once past the cafe, it is only a short 5 minute level walk to the Falls.

Location and Parking

Post Code: DL8 3LZ

Hardraw Force

The waterfall is a slender ribbon of water, so lends itself to a portrait shot with the small cascades in the foreground. However a wider landscape format shows more of the amphitheatre that holds the waterfall, so a few different compositions are possible.

Hardraw Force

Hardraw Force

Hardraw Force

Hardraw Force

Hardraw Force

Hardraw Force

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