Cotter Force

Cotter Force is an attractive waterfall on Cotterdale Beck in Wensleydale in the Yorkshire Dales.  The falls consist of a series of six steps, each wider than the one above, which makes it an attractive subject, rather like the artificial waterfall steps found in many stately homes.

Location and Parking

Post Code: DL8 3LR

Note that the Post Code above is for the farm about a half mile west of the layby.

Cotter Force is about half a mile north of the main A684 road, about 2 miles west of the village of Hawes.  If travelling from Hawes there are a couple of lay-bys on the left side of the road where the A684 crosses Cotterdale Beck. Travelling from the east, pass through the hamlet of Appersett, cross two bridges and the lay-bys are reached about half a mile after the second bridge   Cotter Force is not in sight from the road, but  there is a signposted path to the falls, which are reached after a pleasant half mile walk beside the river.

Cotter Force

There is really only one viewpoint for Cotter Force, which is from the river directly in front of the falls where numerous rocks can be used as a foreground. This will involve wading into the river, so Wellingtons are essential. Although the water is shallow, the rocks can be slippery, so care is required.

Cotter Force

Cotter Force

Cotter Force

Cotter Force

Cotter Force

Cotter Force


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