Loch Achriochtan

Loch Achriochtan lies at the foot of Glencoe, tucked under the bulk of Bidean nam Bian on one side and the Aonach Eagach on the other. From the west side of the loch, both these mountains ridges are reflected in the loch, making it an obvious location for photography. The best time for photography is when the loch is still, when it can reflect the mountains like a mirror, however it is on still days when the midges are about, so take plenty of midge repellent when going close to the loch side.

Location and Parking

Post Code: PH49 4HX

Loch Achriochtan lies right alongside the A82 which runs through Glencoe, so is in clear view from the road. There is a fair sized car park just beyond the west outlet of the loch, and from the car park a footbridge over the River Coe gives access to the loch shores. If driving from Ballachulish, the car park is on the right where the loch first come into view and immediately after a junction on the left. If driving from Rannoch Moor, the loch is in clear view from the road, so drive just past the end of the loch and the car park entrance is on the left.

Loch Achriochtan

From the car park, cross the footbridge over the River Coe, then it is a simple stroll to the shores of Loch Achriochtan. On a sunny evening, the setting sun lights up the cliffs of Aonach Dubh (the Black Ridge) turning them a brilliant red. A wide angle lens or stitched panorama is required to include Aonach Dubh and the Aonach Eagach ridge both reflected in the loch.

Sunset at Loch Achriochtan

On this side of the loch there are some reeds that can be incorporated into the foreground, however it is then difficult to fit in a full view of the loch. Alternatively, do not cross the footbridge, but walk along the left bank of the river to find some spots where you can get down to the water’s edge. This gives a better view across the loch, and there are some reeds in the water that add some interest.

Evening Light On Loch Achriochtan

As befits the glens gloomy history, the loch can also look dramatic on overcast gloomy days, when the glen fills with cloud and the tops are hidden to sight.

A Gloomy Loch Achriochtan

Loch Achriochtan Panorama

Achnambeithach Cottage

Close beside the loch is Achnambeithach Cottage. Information on this cottage is difficult to find, however it is private property (possibly owned and occupied by the Glencoe Mountain Rescue), and visitors are requested to keep clear of the track leading to the cottage.  Of course, this does not stop visitors from photographing the cottage, backed by the mass of Bidean nam Bien. On a clear day, there is a view of the summit of Bidean up the Allt Coire nam Beithach, but sadly not visible in the image below!

Achnambeithach Cottage

Clachaig Waterfall

Clachaig waterfall on the River Coe lies a short distance from Loch Achriochtan. Return to the car park, cross the A82 and take the old Glencoe road that leads towards Clachaig Inn. After about 0.3 miles, Clachaig waterfall is right beside the road. There is no parking along the old road, so the waterfall should be approached either from the Loch Achriochtan car park, or by parking at the Clachaig Inn at the other end of the road.

Clachaig Waterfall

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