Callanish Standing Stones

The Callanish Standing Stones are the best known group of neolithic stones on the Isle of Lewis, sometimes described as Scotland’s Stonehenge.  What is less will known is that there a number of neolithic sites all located within about a mile of the main group, including 3 other stone circles, known as Callanish II, III and IV, all of which are worth a visit.

The main group is pre-eminent, being made up of a circular group of 13 stones surrounding a single large stone, with four lines of standing stones radiating from the circle.  The longest line of stones to the north is in fact a double line of 19 stones which form a corridor leading to the circle.  In total, there are 49 standing stones which were erected between 2600BC and 2900BC, and the site was used for up to about 1000 years.  After this, the site fell into disuse and peat gradually built up around the stones.  This has since been stripped away to reveal the full height of the stones when they were first erected – the largest central stone being 4.8 m tall and weighing about 7 tonnes.

At the main Callanish site, there is a car park with a Visitor Centre and cafe.

Location and Parking

Postcode: HS2 9DY

The post code above is for Callanish I, which is west of the main A858 at Callanish.  Turn west off the A858 and the Visitor Car Park is reached after 0.5 miles.  The stones are a short walk from the car park.    To visit Callanish IV, continue along the A858 for a further 1 mile and turn south along the B8011.  The stones should come into sight in less than 0.5 miles, on the hill to the right.  Look out for a footpath climbing to the stones rising from a small gate through the fence.  It is possible (just) to park next to the gate.

Callanish I

There are farm buildings and some old caravans to the north of Callanish that intrude on photographs taken looking in that direction, however clear shots can be taken looking to the west and east, making it a good location for both sunrise and sunset.  The site is very popular however, so patience may be required to obtain photographs that are clear of people (though it is possible to ‘hide’ people behind the stones!)

Callanish Stones At Sunset

The stones are more likely to be free of visitors early in the morning, so sunrise is a good option. The view looking east is mostly clear of modern distractions, though a few houses and distant pylons may intrude into the view.

Callanish Sunrise

The large number of stones can make composition difficult, so it is often best to concentrate on a few stones at a time. Here, the centre ring of stones can clearly be seen in the early morning sunlight.

Central Ring At Callanish

From the centre ring shorter lines of stones extend to the east and west. The line to the west makes a good subject with Loch Roag in the background.

Looking West At Callanish

Moving in close with a wide angle lens gives a different view of the largest central stone.

The Central Callanish Stone

It is also fun to include the moon in the view, given the theories that the stones are related to astronomical observations.

Callanish Moonrise

Or why not create a fantasy feel by adding an oversized moon.

Callanish II

After visiting the main site, the other sites can easily be visited. To reach Callanish II, return to the A858, turn south and after just 0.1 miles turn right down a minor road.  Cars can be parked at the end of the road for a short time, but there is no clear parking space. There are five stones still standing, however  Callanish II has fences close to the stones, so is not such a good site for isolating the stones from modern intrusions.

Callanish II

Callanish II

Callanish III

To visit Callanish III, return once again to the A858 and continue south for a further 0.2 miles to a lay-by on the right side of the road. There is an information board about the stones here, and a path across a field to Callanish III. Callanish III consists of two concentric rings of stones, the outer having eight standing and five fallen stones, and the inner ring has just four stones. They can all be fitted into a wide angle or stitched panorama view.

Callanish III

Here is a more moody view of Callanish III, taken under darker skies.

Callanish III

Callanish III

Callanish IV

Callanish IV is slightly more distant from the main group than Callanish II or III. To visit Callanish IV, continue along the A858 for a further 1 mile then turn south along the B8011.  The stones should come into sight in less than 0.5 miles, on the hill to the right.  Look out for a footpath climbing to the stones rising from a small gate through the fence.  It is possible (just) to park next to the gate, or across the other side of the road in a lay-by. Callanish IV is a small group of just five stones, however it is particularly well sited with views over Loch Ceann Hulabhaig, so is worth visiting, even on dark and overcast days.

Callanish IV

Callanish IV

The stones at Callanish IV are covered in mosses, which makes the particularly good as individual subjects.

Callanish IV

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