Moss Force

Moss Force is a prominent waterfall located close to Newlands Hause, the road linking the Buttermere and Newlands Valleys.  The total height of the falls is about 100m, but this is split between three distinct sections. The waterfall is very easy to visit, being clearly in view from the road at the top of Newlands Hause, where there is parking for a number of cars.  A path leaves the parking area to reach the lower part of the middle falls in just a couple of hundred metres.

Location and Parking

Post Code: CA13 9XA

Moss Force can be reached from either Buttermere or the Keswick area by taking the minor road over Newlands Hause.  At the top of the pass, there is plenty of parking, and Moss Force is clearly in view.

Moss Force

The waterfall is in view from the car park, though only the middle and lower parts of the falls can be seen.  The image below is taken from the car park to show the height of the middle section of the falls.

Moss Force

A clear path leaves the car park to reach the bottom of the Middle Falls.  This gives splendid views down Newlands Valley.

Newlands Valley And Moss Force

Newlands Valley And Moss Force

The bottom of the Middle Falls is a good spot for some long exposure photography. In dry weather, the falls can reduce to a trickle, so are best visited after heavy rain.  They are also best photographed in the morning or on overcast days, otherwise the sun will be shining directly into the camera.

Middle Moss Force

In winter, the falls can freeze over, which also reduces the to a trickle, however interesting images of the frozen falls are then possible.

Moss Force In Winter

It may be possible to visit the Upper Falls, however this involves some scrambling over rock, and when we visited the rocks were too slippy to reach the upper falls safely.  It is also possible to visit the top of the Lower Falls, where there is a Rowan Tree and a view down Newland Valley.  Again, this involves some manoeuvring on steep ground, so we left it for another day!

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