Poggio Covili

One of the features of the Val D’Orcia countryside is the number of roads or tracks lined with cypress trees. One of the most well known is the farm of Poggio Covili, which is on the main SR2 road about 7km south of San Quirico, close to the turning to Castiglione D’Orcia.  There is a long line of  cypress trees leading up the hill to the property, which can be photographed from several viewpoints.

There is space to park at the entrance to the property for a shot straight down the tree lined avenue, or there are pull off spaces further back in the direction of San Quirico where the line of trees can be photographed at a more oblique angle.

Entrance To Poggio Covili

Poggio Covili Profile

To photograph the trees in profile, there are two locations – from the turning to Castiglione D’Orcia, or from a viewpoint a few hundred meters up this road. From the first viewpoint the trees stand out higher against the background hills, but there are some intervening trees that slightly intrude in the view. The higher viewpoint gives a clearer view, but the trees are then set against the background hills, so a little mist or haziness helps to isolate the line of cypresses.

Poggio Covili Profile

Poggio Covili From the Upper Viewpoint


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