Bagno Vignoni

Just 1.5km from our hotel was the village of Bagno Vignoni. This is a small spa village, which is quite unique in Italy as the main square is in fact a large pool fed by a hot spring. The pool is surrounded by Rennaisance buildings which today offer a variety of restaurants and bars as the village is a very popular location.

Bagno Vignoni

The piazza looks particularly attractive at night when the buildings around the pool are lit up, producing lovely reflections in the green thermal waters.

Bagno Vignoni at Night

Bagno Vignoni at Night

From the main pool, the water flows through the village then tumbles down a hillside where the minerals in the water have created a small travertine cliffside, with an attractive turquoise pool at its foot. This is not so easy to photograph as the locals enjoy using the pool as a free outdoor spa area, so a fair bit of patience was required to get images free of people.

Travertine Deposits at Bagno Vignoni

Turquoise Pool At Bagno Vignoni

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