The farmhouse villa of Baccolena is situated in the Crete Senesi region about 20km north of San Quirico and quite close to the Abbey at Monte Oliveto Maggiore. The track to the property is one of the most famous cypress tree lined tracks in Tuscany. The villa lies just off the SP80 road which runs between San Giovanni d’Asso and Asciano, and there are a coupe of viewpoints from this road. There is a coupe of lay-bys just south of the property where it is possible to get access to the fields above the property, however the best view is to park at the start of the track itself. The track is gated and labelled as private property, however there is a gap to the left which gives access onto the hillside above Baccoleno. This is probably a bit of a trespass, but plenty of people have been there already! The image below is a stitched panorama to capture the full sweep of the track.
A slightly longer focal length view shows off the curve of the track around the villa.
As the views are to the west, it is a good location for sunset, but during our visit we were staying some distance to the south, so stopping for sunset was a bit impractical.