Iceland Day 14 – Vik to Reykjavik

On the last leg of our journey, we drove from Vik to Reykjavik. Rather than taking the most direct route, we decided to go via the Reykjanes peninsula so that we could visit the Blue Lagoon.  We made a couple of stops where we had views of the surrounding mountains, first a view towards the massive Myrdalsjokul north of Vik, then views towards Hekla, one of the most active volcanos on Iceland.

At Sellfoss we turned off the main Highway 1 and headed along the south coast of the Reykjanes peninsula.  ALthough the weather was clear, the road was snow covered and the first part was only just passable, however it improved as we headed west.  Reykjanes is one of the most volcanically active areas of Iceland, and there was a distinct smell of sulfur in the air.  Finally we arrived at the Blue Lagoon.  The main pool is used as a thermal bath, and access is restricted to bathers, however there are numerous other blue pools to wander around, all set in a lava field landscape.

After the Blue Lagoon, we made our way to Reykjavik and our final hotel stop.

Iceland Day 14

Iceland Day 13     Iceland Day 15